CNN recently aired a special by Anderson Cooper, Bullying: It Stops Here . Despite all the attention paid to the subject in the last year, bullying continues to be a major issue for US schoolchildren. But this special was excellent, and provided a lot of new information in the form of a study they performed using high school students at a particular school on Long Island in New York. I highly recommend you take the time to watch if/when it airs again. One of the key concepts to come from the study were the categories kids fall into: aggressors, victims, and interveners. The first two are self-explanatory, but the last category, interveners, represent bystanders who choose not to be bystanders, and work to diffuse the situation by defending the victim(s) and/or shaming the aggressor(s), among other methods. This topic hits close to home both because of what I went through in school, but because of my teenaged niece and nephew, who are living in the high school environment right now...