Post 1.11 - A Cool Tuna Salad

It's hard to get excited about a hot lunch in the summertime. It's just too damned hot, and we don't want to heat up our kitchens and tax our already burdened air conditioners. Especially in Arizona.

So, here is my easy tuna salad recipe. I've been told it is similar to a Waldorf Salad, so be it. I don't think so myself. I just know I love it with fresh lettuce and tomato, and even better on a wrap. :-)

Summer Tuna Salad

1 can of tuna, drained, and well-separated
1/4 cup of chopped celery
1/4 cup of chopped scallions
1 small apple, cored, and sliced into small cubes
1/4 cup of chopped walnuts
2 tbsp mayonnaise
pepper to taste

Blend all ingredients in a large bowl. Spoon onto your choice of bread or into a wrap. Lettuce and tomato recommended.

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