Post 0.8 - The Return!

My sincere apologies for my protracted absence. I've begun working in California, and much of what I do is write all day -- so writing more at night and on weekends has had a reduced appeal.

But I was telling a co-worker about my blogging activities, and I thought it was time that I incorporate this blog back into my life again.

So here we are.

Monday is normally my foodie day, but with my traveling, that's become even more of a challenge -- so I'll return to this topic next week, just in time for Thanksgiving. :-)

Tomorrow, on politics day, I'll give my take on the recent election. It was monumental in a lot of ways.

Wednesday is sex/relationship day, so I'll have a post on workplace flirtation and romance. Now that I don't work from home a lot, I have some material for this based on my observations and experiences. Not that I didn't have any before, but it's definitely in my face these days.

Thursday is pets day, and since I last wrote, my pets have had a number of issues. This Thursday, learn more about idiopathic vestibular disease.

And Friday, as usual, will be a surprise! In this case, as much to me as to you, since I'm not sure what it will be about just yet.

So if you're still reading, thank you for that, and thank you for being here for my return. :-)

If you have a question or would like to suggest a topic, you can write me at Again -- comments are moderated, so you can also feel free to ask an anonymous question there or suggest a topic, and I'll answer in a future post.


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