On Atheism
I am an atheist. I say this without shame or reservation.
This essay will discuss my history and the contradictions and circumstances
that have led me to this position.
My family history has included several examples of
individuals changing religions because of who they wished to marry. These were
various flavors of Christ-centered religions, so it wasn’t terribly jarring to
the individual in terms of philosophies, but mostly in terms of rituals and
I was baptized as a Methodist, although my mother tended to
refer to us as Protestants. When my mother remarried, she converted to become
Roman Catholic in order to marry in my stepfather’s Catholic church. My brother
and I followed suit, and I was confirmed at age 14.
From a very early age, I questioned what I was being taught
in the Bible in Sunday School or Catechism classes. First, it was the usual,
“who did Cain marry?” Apparently, she was from the Land of Nod. I guess this
was a suburb of Eden or something. No record of when or how those suburbanites
were created. It was downhill from there. I must admit, I admire Jews for the
additional information and reflection on such gaps in the Bible, because there
is the recognition that information was missing. For example, I find the tale of Lilith to
be fascinating.
My family, before my mother’s remarriage, was not overly
religious. I was also encouraged to question, to read, to investigate. I loved
astronomy and all the wonders of the universe. I could see evidence of all
kinds of evolution all around me in humanity, in nature, in sociology.
I recognized, once I studied mythology for the first time,
that humans seek causal agents and patterns in the natural world, which led to
the creation of gods and goddesses devoted to specific tasks or functions in
the precursor polytheistic religions. It was logical to assume that earlier
humans assigned causal agents in the form of the supernatural until better
information was revealed to replace the need for that agent, such as the water
cycle, or the causes of lightning and thunder. I was maybe 7 or 8 at this
It was also clear to me at this age that religious texts
held a special status in public discourse, no matter how illogical the text
might be. I accepted that this was simply the way things were, even if it
didn’t make sense.
I liked being Catholic, and enjoyed my catechism classes in
the time leading up to my mother’s remarriage. I lived in a small town just
across the Hudson River from New York City in New Jersey. I could walk to my
church, and they had a children’s mass scheduled on Sunday morning just before
catechism classes. It was taught by a younger priest with material geared to
children. Many of my friends from public school also attended this mass, and it
was also a mercifully shorter service than the usual mass (although Catholics
can be very quick if they want to be).
Things changed when we moved to a new town shortly after the
wedding. I encountered the hypocrisy and inequity of the Catholic religion both
in the people around me and in the scriptures, themselves.
The Bible is pretty horrific and wildly inconsistent book. I
remember being curious about the Mark of Cain, and that some religious scholars
through time had blamed various racial and ethnic groups as carrying this mark.
But, it occurred to me that if all of humanity died in Noah’s flood (other than
Noah’s family on the Ark and their spouses), Cain should have no living
descendants. So much judgment, so much violence – it did not align with the
“loving” God I was being taught.
My stepfather used the sacrament of Penance as a
Get-Out-of-Hell-Free card. You could be mistreated all week in all manner of
ways, but as long as it was confessed, all was forgiven. And of course, as a
good Catholic, you were supposed to turn the other cheek and forgive the
person, too. As the new kid, I was bullied, and these same bullies were sitting
next to me in mass or catechism, and brutalizing me was again forgiven by going
into the magic confessional. And worse than my microcosm, a serial murderer or
serial rapist could be sentenced to death, but find God and make confession,
and voilà, fast track to heaven.
Something was seriously off about all of this.
And I will admit, I only went through with my confirmation
so I would be considered an adult in the eyes of the church, and I would never
have to go to mass again. And I haven’t since I was 14.
As time went on, I learned more about the corruption of the
Catholic and Christian churches, and I simply became non-practicing. I had been
indoctrinated sufficiently to still believe in God, however, so the journey to
atheism was not quite complete.
My education continued, and my interest in cosmology,
quantum physics, history, and linguistics led to more education and more
examples of evolution of ideas. Biiological evolution was a foregone
conclusion, even before we mapped the human genome, or the Neanderthal genome,
or any of the genomic sequences we have completed. The lack of contemporaneous
sources of information that aligned with the Jesus narrative, and understanding
the history of religions throughout the Near East made it clear that religions
and their myths were made up by somebody trying to explain what they couldn’t
I was also bothered by the way organized religion victimizes
both its adherents and those who follow other belief systems. The major
Abrahamic religions each either chronicle genocidal behavior or endorse it for
infidels. The arrogance disgusts me. No one seems to be content to live and let
live, no matter what a particular prophet or other character might preach. The
subjugation of women is not only unfortunate but cruel in many cases. The fact
that part of my penis is missing is baffling to me.
Which leads me to where my atheism begins. I have listened
to lectures by Sam Harris and the late Christopher Hitchens, and they provide
amazing arguments.
God – according to the Abrahamic religions – is supposed to
be omniscient and infallible, yet He created a world populated with people He
knew He would have to wipe out in a flood. Was the antediluvian stuff just a
dry run? Why bother with that?
Interestingly, in the Garden of Eden, God lied – the snake didn’t – when He talked
about eating from the Tree of Life. Apologists will no doubt say this was a
“spiritual death”, but that’s just dodging the issue.
I do not feel there is sufficient evidence for a supreme
deity, let alone the one described in the Torah, Bible, or Qu’ran.
Atheists are often asked why they are “angry”. It’s very
simple – religion interferes at every level of society, and without factual
evidence. This applies to education, reproductive rights, LGBT rights, racial
equality, climate science, even commerce. Religious beliefs are forced on
non-believers at every turn when we are supposed to be living in a secular
democracy. Christianity, in particular, is given special, undeserved status in
American society, to the point that there are moves to legalize Christian
discrimination of others. This is unacceptable and antithetical to American
principles, yet it is still a possibility if the right religious sympathizers are
in place in government. Society has degraded in discourse to the point that
opinion is allowed equal footing with fact.
I am also saddened for the good people I know who fail to
see the strength and beauty in themselves
and their character by deferring it to an unknown entity. All they do, all they
survive, all they create, these things are credited to some supernatural force
rather than their own skill, determination, and inspiration.
I had a major heart attack and had a near-death experience.
I have actually had arguments with theists about what I experienced – no deity
was evident – with them telling me I was wrong, that I didn’t experience what I
experienced, because I didn’t tell them what they wanted to hear. The
indoctrination, and quite frankly, arrogance
runs deep.
I don’t begrudge anyone what they believe, and I don’t treat
them differently for it, but for myself, I cannot reject the wealth of factual
information and evidence in how I see the wondrous world we inhabit.
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